Get Better at Time Management By Following these 6 Simple Tips

Time flies when you’re having fun.  

It also flies when you’ve got a lot of shit to do.  

Women physicians can’t seem to get enough of it.  It always feels scarce, like summertime East Coast cherry plums you can only find at Trader Joe’s.  

There’s definitely not enough time to complete all of our notes or dictations while having the picture perfect Instagrammable meal and spotless kitchen.  

My number one tip: STOP spending your time in ways you don’t want.  What does this mean?

1.     If you hate cooking, stop cooking and outsource.  Find someone to cook, meal plan, and grocery shop for you.  This isn’t an easy solution, but it’s possible.

2.     Don’t say YES to that couples dinner in which you have zero interest.  It’s a waste of time.  You can use that time to do something you actually like.

3.     Know your limits-this is different for everyone.  For me this means:

  • I love to socialize.  That means 1-2 social events per week.  And I definitely almost never book two in one day because when I do, I feel exasperated and the whole purpose of me decompressing is defeated.

  •  If I know I’ll be away from my kids for a day or two, I don’t book anything social that week because I know I’ll want to spend extra time with them before or after I’m away.

4.     If you have a burning goal or desire you just can’t seem to make happen, start with 5-10 minute increments.

  • You want to work out every day?  Start with 10 minutes a few times a week.  If there’s a day when more time presents itself, prolong the workout that day.  Just starting is half the battle

  • Pair habits with automatic rituals in your day.  Ie. Gratitude practice before or after you brush your teeth or while you shower.

5.     Try to let go of late night scrolling and mindlessness and choose to go to sleep instead.  Late night mindlessness actually is just a short-term reward with very little benefit.  Extra logged sleep time will pay you back and make you more productive, using your time more efficiently, in the long run.

6.     Dedicate one hour per week to unwanted tasks.  That way there not looming in the back of your mind.

Try just one of these tips for a few weeks and let me know if you see a difference.  You got this.  You are in control of your life.  

Grab it by the balls and let’s go!

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