5 Tips to Combat Holiday Stress-A Method That Works

Holidays are an interesting time.  Like life, holidays are 50% good and 50% bad.  A major problem is that we set ourselves up with high hopes and expectations.  Holidays are supposed to be a warm and fuzzy time filled with cheer.  What about the pressure of holiday cooking, hosting, gift-giving, or hectic travel?  We wish for a hallmark card Christmas and New Years and yet the holidays can be stressful and difficult. 

Some of us are sad and alone.  Others of us are surrounded by family and nervous about old dynamics sneakily creeping their way back in.  Some of us get along with our family, but there’s that one unhinged crazy aunt who provokes anxiety within us. 

Holidays can suck and that’s okay.  We have been conditioned to believe that life is supposed to be sunshine and roses and candy and that’s just not the case.  The sooner we can accept the imperfection of life, the fact that it is, indeed, 50% good and 50% bad, the sooner we can find contentment and not be outraged while resisting unhappiness.

That’s all good and well right?  But how should you handle the unstable relative or the unpredictable person with drunken temper tantrums?  Or the extra stress?  

It’s tricky.  Here are a few solutions-based practices I have found helpful and will share with you:

1.     Remember, you are not responsible for other people’s happiness or reactions.  So you don’t need to walk on eggshells.

2.     If there is someone in your life where you feel you have to do this, maybe it’s time to re-evaluate how much time you want to spend with them and limit it.

3.     Have a plan in place ahead of time.  You can limit time with certain people or have an exit strategy if things get heated.  This will empower you.

4.     When you feel yourself stressed, practice mindfulness.  Repeat to yourself, there is a body.  Feel the contact of your feet on the  ground.  The earth is supporting you.  Breathe and say to yourself “here and now” or “I am okay” or something of your choice that you would find comforting.

5.     Embrace the imperfection of the burned holiday ham or the poorly wrapped gift or the poorly received gift.  It happens.  Allow yourself to feel the disappointment and then move forward.


Take one of these and try them.  If you find this helpful or relate to this and want to find peace and happiness within yourself everyday to truly enjoy your life because you freakin’ deserve it, get in touch with me and make an appointment to get the new year started on the right foot. 

 Imagine next year reflecting back after having been coached and loving this new you and your new lease on life.

Prianca Naik