Your Dream Life Starts with Intention

I was trucking along in my life until I had a child, and then boom! My world got turned upside down.  My type-A personality along with my tendency to stress out and be anxious, went from being an asset to a liability real quick!

When I returned to work after my maternity leave, I knew things had to change fast.  Through my own self-help journey, support group attendance, mindfulness practice, and coaching, I began to emerge from my state of drowning feeling and find happiness and peace truly for the first time in my life.  As I went further in my coaching journey, I learned to love myself, chase my dreams, and left full-time medicine to become a full-time coach.

I am bringing my expertise as a full-time working doctor mom to you to help you shift out of survival mode and into your best life. 

Today I want to talk about the purpose of this podcast.  I want to make a positive impact on professional mothers who are silently suffering with the seemingly perfect life and help them to thrive.

In this podcast, I  will address age old problems like women taking the majority of the home burden, along with more taboo topics like addiction, abuse, sexual dysfunction, dysfunction with modern solutions and a fresh approach!

My hope with this podcast is that you will walk away with lessons that will help you break free of societal chains and cages to give the finger to generational trauma and emerge to live your best life.

So let's dive into today's topic, which is living a life with intention.

many of us go aimlessly through life wondering why certain things are happening to us when in reality the power of our experience lies 100%within us. 

Take that in.  we have the power.  We are in complete control of our life experience.

We are women and so damn strong.  We are powerful creatures who have clearly gotten this far in our lives. 

We have successful careers and children.  Neither of those are easy to come by!

We made all the right choices. 

Perhaps we went to an ivy league school or we were always smart in school or we have worked our way up the corporate ladder in our careers, we married the right guy on paper or otherwise. 

Yet we look at our lives and we are so dissatisfied.  Work takes so much out of us that we are in survival mode just trying to get by from one day to the next when all we have is this precious amazing life. 

We come home from work with maybe more work to do and so little to give to our partners and children.

What gives?

Many of us are living without really thinking or we are living according to how we think we should based on what we've been taught or other people's opinions of us.

How about we take a close look at our own lives and decide what we want without people pleasing or shoulding all over ourselves.

Let me put it this way:

We planned going to college or graduate school.  Many of us planned to get married and eventually have babies and yet we don't put thought into what we want to get out of life and of course, with no planning and thought-how can we possibly be happy?


Here is the solution:

The concept is simple.  Intention.

Grab a pen and sheet of paper and jot some notes down.

Or come back to this podcast later if you're driving.


What do you want your life to look like?

Think about your career, your relationships, your hobbies, what brings you joy, where you want to be, what you want to own, how much money you want to have.


What is your ideal day today and tomorrow?

How about in one year, in 3 years, and in 5 years?

This can be different for everyone.

There is no right or wrong answer.

The idea of doing this may be overwhelming.

I'm going to give you a few options with which to approach this:

-you can dedicate time, only 5 minutes, daily for a few weeks

-you can make a vision board either on paper or with an app like canva

-you can write it down and make a list

-you can dream about it first thing in the morning or before you go to bed at night

This will help to get your brain in focus on what you want. 

That is the first step to getting the life you want.  To building your Dream life.

To all the naysayers who insist that life sucks and that we have no control.  I respectfully disagree.

We have so much intelligence, strength and power and we can do hard things.

I'm going to give a client example:

I had a physician client in an abusive relationship.  Her spouse, who is also a physician, emotionally and physically abused her.  Every day she was miserable and she felt as though she was just getting by.  She was exhausted from work and would dread entering her home each evening, feeling like she was walking on eggshells or not knowing what kind of instability or abuse she was in store for that day.

In our first session, I asked her what was the number one thing she wanted in her life. 

Her answer: She said she wanted to feel safe-emotionally and physically.

That's a basic…right?

Well, not for everyone. 

In a world that often shames people for leaving unhealthy situations or shames the situation itself, it can feel nearly impossible to take action. 

She wanted safety.  What actions did she need to take in order to get that? 

Moving out. 

That's a pretty big step, right?

Well, the idea of moving out was understandably daunting for her, so she sat with that for a few months. 

However, as she worked on self-love, she was able to love herself enough to do what was right for her regardless of how it would affect her spouse or what others might think about her seemingly perfect life.

One fine day, after he physically assaulted her, she left and moved out.  It wasn't easy but it was simple.

She moved through a lot of grief.  Facing the reality of what was and letting go of the fantasy of what could have been.

But you know what?  She found herself in complete and utter peace. 

She began truly finding joy in everyday.  She was no longer just surviving.  After a few months of us working together, she began to thrive and build her dream life. 

She was no longer a victim of her circumstances, but in complete control of her life experience.

She figured out what she wanted and made it happen as difficult it was.

Difficult. But simple!

In a seemingly dark situation, she found light and happinesss.

She's not special in the sense that anyone of us can do the seemingly impossible. 

Her major move began with a thought, an intention.  I want to be safe.

And with time, she made it happen .

Even if you feel stuck.

Anything is truly possible.

But it has to start with a thought, an intention

By shifting your focus on what's possible, you can start to actually make it happen

Try one of the options I discussed today and let me know how it goes.

Prianca Naik