Urgency Creates Clarity for a Better Life

Before we dive in, I want to give some info from behind the scenes in my program. I had a client saying to me before even finishing my program that she was having major shifts; with better relationships, being more present with her kids, felt like she was a better mom, was sleeping better and not only finding balance but happiness EVERY SINGLE DAY.

Enrollment is open for my foundational group coaching program for professional moms who want to end burnout and overwhelm to finally have peace of mind and joy daily. Book a call priancanaikmdcoaching.as.me and apply to work with me. I would love to talk to you the link is in the show notes.

I heard a podcast recently talk about death in the most interesting way and I wanted to share it with you

So many people just live as if they have forever to do things.
Or push things off to …I’ll do this when…
When none of us actually knows how long we have to live this one precious life.

It’s so precious…that in episode 40 I talked about bucket lists because I think its so important to do the things we’ve been wanting to do. Why wait?

Here are some questions to help your brain prioritize your values and help you to live in alignment with who you truly are or want to be.

These questions are meant to create urgency.
If you knew you had one year to live, what would you stop doing?
If you knew you had one year to live, what would you do more of?
If you knew you had one year to live, what legacy would you want to leave behind?
If you knew you had one year to live, what impact would you want to make?
If you knew you had one year to live, what would you do for your career and what would you do for fun?

These questions put a fascinating lens on our lives. They put a timeline on us. Force us to really cut out the fat and get down to what we truly want to do

I did this exercise and found that I pretty much am doing exactly what I would be doing if I had a year to live so I feel good about that. However, one thing I would like to cut down on and stop doing is consuming social media.

Put some time into this…write down the answers to these exercises and see what comes up. It might surprise you. I would love to hear from you. 

Enrollment is open for my foundational group coaching program for professional moms who want to end burnout and overwhelm to finally have peace of mind and joy daily. Book a call priancanaikmdcoaching.as.me and apply to work with me. I would love to talk to you the link is in the show notes.

Prianca Naik