The quickest and easiest way to stop feeling trapped

Ever feel trapped in your life?  Stuck in your job or perhaps a relationship that doesn’t seem to be going right?


This feeling can cause a lot of grief.  Sighs fill the air and you don’t even know you’re doing it.  Putting on a happy face is your go to and yet it seems more and more difficult as each day passes.


You feel like you’re suffering, but have generally been able to keep things under control so there has to be a better way.


You’re not trapped.


Every move, every decision, every step is in your hands.  You decide what to do even if you feel helpless.  You choose to go to work everyday.  You picked your line of work and it didn’t pick you.  


There is so much power in choices.  We have the privilege of making choices.  


The solution of breaking free of our societal and self-imposed cages lies within us.  We can decide to do something different, be someone else, leave a relationship, or find a new profession.  Although daunting, just remembering that we are in control is empowering.


Keep in mind that you’re choosing ot do whatever you’re doing today.  It’s not being forced up0n you.  As you realize this more and more, you will begin to feel freer.  We get to pick our profession, our home, our friends, and our partners.  No one else.


The power lies within you.  It always has.


Now is the time to acknowledge and take hold of that power.

Prianca Naik