Healthy Ways to Deal with Frustration and Anger

My process helps professional moms with the seemingly perfect life who are silently suffering on the inside to know that they are not alone and that they reclaim their confidence and power to have the life they want, even if that feels impossible right now.

Anger is something many of us were never conditioned to feel.

As in, it was not okay to be angry.

Women especially are supposed to be feminine which perhaps does not mesh with anger stereotypically.

Having to maintain decorum was a part of the norm of how we were raised.

Being proper, behaving properly, and respecting elders were a major part of my culture and upbringing.

But what I found was respect was a one-way street. You could get yelled at and screamed at by someone older than you, and you were supposed to stay silent.

Feelings will build up and boil in there.

Sometimes it is easier to feel anger than sadness because something about anger is empowering.

Our generation is learning that any feelings are okay. The issue is how you might express it. I tell my 4-year-old that all feelings are okay to have; it is how we process and deal with them. Being angry is fine, but it does not give anyone the license to take it out on other people. That is the key.

If we want to manage our anger, be allowed to feel it but deal with it appropriately, here is what we do.

I worked on this in my own life because I was often surrounded by angry people with no tools to cope. It would make me feel like I could never be angry.

Through coaching, I decided to take back my power and learn to allow myself to feel angry and deal with it healthily as well.

Allow yourself to feel it.

Cry, scream into a pillow.

Scream in your car where no one can hear you.

Figure out how to get your angst out-for me, working out is super helpful.

Get outside, and breathe the fresh air.

Notice your surroundings; you will get out of your head, and be not as sucked into the narrative.

The mind-body connection there is a body…take a few deep breaths

Feel it in the body…notice and neutralize.

Journal to vent.

Understand that your anger will subside in the long run in the bigger picture.

To not get sucked in further.

“I am okay.”

Get space.

Give yourself a time-out pause.

If you are frustrated, decide how much importance you want to give to something.


My process helps professional moms with the seemingly perfect life who are silently suffering on the inside to know that they are not alone and that they reclaim their confidence and power to have the life they want, even if that feels impossible right now.


If you want to dive deeper into this work, I have 4 spots opening up for private clients.

Schedule a call today

And please share this podcast with anyone you think would benefit or enjoy it.

Prianca Naik