Clean Decisions: Say No To Mind Drama And Spinning

Why do I feel tired all the time? Is this this is a question you ask yourself all the time? Well many of us with young children are sleep deprived or we work a lot. Others of us are in denial. Sometimes physicians will ask themselves if they have thyroid problems I find this so funny because we will try and treat ourselves like our own patients and we make the worst patients and yet you get your blood work done and thyroid is normal there are no real organic causes let's say for your feeling exhausted.


One of the major ways in which we feel drain and exhausted is using our brain in ways that are not productive. A friend of mine, when he would get into fight or flight mode, would use the term Brainaidos-brain swirling

Also, many of us type A professional mothers are perfectionists and we obsess about making the right decision so it's right or perfect

I'm going to let you in on a little secret-there's no such thing!!

A perfect decision-no one has the answers to your life bc they're not in your shoes. Only you can decide. And just a little plug on people pleasing-no one is watching you in your home, ok? The pressure is off. Do whatever you want. You're a grown up!

We have a finite amount of brain energy to devote to whatever topics we allow in a given day and yet as intelligent and successful as we maybe we find ourselves with our brain spinning back-and-forth and confusion in mind drama leaving us exhausted or depleted.

We go in circles constantly about the same problems

Indecision, brainados, obsessing-all happiness stealers. So we want to get away from them. We want to be aware and make changes.

I'm going to give a personal anecdote hear about why we do this. So I used to take a lot of pride in being deep or philosophical. I come from a family where reading Pulitzer Prize winning books is applauded and discussion about things beyond the surface level is also a sign of intelligence and dad. I used to take so much pride in thinking about things till no end until in my adult post coaching life I realized I was really wasting my energy on things and I really needed to be deliberate and intentional with how it was going to use mind.

This intentionality and clearing up of  brain clutter frees up so much space that once you start implementing the solutions I talk about today you'll see how much lighter you feel.

Clean decisions are the key to getting the life we want. Decisions empower us to take control of our lives and our life experience.

Our lives consit of a series of decisions.

Life isn't happening to us. We get to decide.

You might be thinking okay okay, I get it yeah I do do.  I see the problem here, but what's your solution? Well of course, I'm going to give a solution.



This is the first step in solving any problem. Awareness of what your brain is doing. One way of being aware is practicing mindfulness meditation. Not so much to zone out or zen out or whatever people think it will achieve. But to become an observer of our thoughts and feelings. I will dive deeper into this concept in a future episode, but for now I will say that being aware of how our mind wanders or goes back and forth acknowledges the potential problem and gives us distance from our own thoughts. We can then empower ourselves to notice and decide what we want to do about them or how we want to view them.

Once we are aware of them, we can deliberately make clean decisions. Clean decisions are a major happiness contributor. The problem with going back and forth with decision making is that we waste time an energy. We can actually simplify this process.

It's called clean decisions.

Follow a few basic tenets when decision making:

Realize no decision is permanent. When making a tough decision you can say this is for now…I can always change my mind: example-client moving out, afraid. We all have a lot of fear, it's our brains way of keeping us safe.

Nothing in life is actually permanent even if we believe it to be-that's an illusion.

We also should figure out what are values are refer to my podcast episode number X I talk about values. Does this decision align with my values system?

If I loved myself how would I make this decision?

Even if you feel pressure from outside sources, remember your tools to stop people pleasing from episode 4.

Go with your gut. That's it. Simple easy. This is really how we should do things period.

Stop back and forth stop going back and forth. Pick some on thing make a decision even if it scares you. Just decide. And rememvberyou can always change your mind.

Fear forward. Go forward with something that scares you.

Nothing gratifying comes easily

Babies require timed sex and a pregnancy which is hard. It's wonderful but scary too!

Remember that you can always change your life. Nothing life is permanent.

If you need to research things before making an informed decision, create a limit to the amount of research. I personally tend to streamline thigns. I don't want to spend a ton of time in this I find it inefficient.

Lighten up. We take things too seriously. We need to treat things like they're no big deal even if maybe they are and it takes the pressure off.

Keep things simple. What might be the easiest decision for today if you're feeling overburdened.

Trust in yourself. Believe in yourself ot look out for you. I don't care what you did in the past. It doesn't matter. You can always decide to make a change today

And remember for past regrets, you did the best you could at the time with the information you had and where you were at that time.

Stop asking a million people what they think.

It's okay to get input, but stand guard to the doorway of your mind

Have a sieve for what you allow to come into your brain

Talk to cheerleaders. Cut out naysayers.

Ask yourself if your future self will thank you for this decision? This is a great way to get out of your own head, simplify things, and love yourself.

I find this question actually helpful in eating healthfully and drinking mindfully. DO I really need another piece of cake? Will my figure self thank me for that?

Once we get out of brain drama and make clean decisions we can then get in to massive action and get the results we want.

Prianca Naik