A quick way to solve housework piling up on you with very little help

My husband is very supportive. Don’t get me wrong.


But I had an epiphany early on in my motherhood journey, I realized that I was the default childcare taker.  This was when I as working my ass off as an internal medicine attending.  


“Bye.  I’m off to the gym,” he exclaimed as he headed out the nest cam seen, nest lock adorned front door.  Hmmm…I thought.  He assumed I would take care of our son.  He is entitled to his self-care time.  He works hard and deserve a break also.


In this moment, I realized I was the DEFAULT.  What the fuck.


So.  I decided to unload myself of this position and asked my nanny to come for a half day several Saturdays a month.  Problem solved.  Guilt-free.  On these Saturdays, I worked out, meditated, and did my online coaching certification courses.


My Asian clients often come to me complaining that they want their partner to pick up some of the slack during the evening routines.  Well.  Trying to get their partners to comply is a process.  One has to weigh the pro con list on that one; meaning, how much energy would she have to expend to get her way.  


Is their a simpler, less taxing solution?  



What do we work so hard for if we can’t offload some of our chores?


A friend of mine had hired somebody to do cooking and clean up during the evening routine hours so she and her husband could relax and enjoy their time with their children.




Another example of offloading the default position.


I find myself and other women who are willing to let go and allow others to help them, knowing it may not be done “perfectly,” are the happiest because they’re spending their time the way they want.


What are you going to do this month to unload your home burden?


Prianca Naik