How to Feel Less Tired Part 1


Episode #57: How to Feel Less Tired Part 1

Join Dr. Prianca Naik on the Empowering Working Moms Podcast! In the first episode of this two-part series, she discusses several methods that can help you feel less exhausted and burnt out. Dr. Naik invites you to understand more about the ways in which you can feel less fatigued through simple habits you can implement today. Tune in to this episode to learn more.


In this episode, you will learn:

  • Creating Joy To Combat Exhaustion

  • How Freedom Can Mitigate Feeling Burnt Out

  • How You Can Re-Incorporate Joy Into Your Life

  • Why People Pleasing Infringes Upon Your Freedom

  • The Formula To Creating Freedom And Joy

To end burnout and exhaustion and get your peace of mind back, check out her free masterclass on 4 steps to overcome burnout, get rid of overwhelm, and get your peace of mind back.

If you want to work with Coach Prianca Naik, MD, go to to book a 30-minute consultation call


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You're listening to the Empowering Working Moms podcast, episode number 57. Hello there! Happy summer, it is still summer. Thank you so much for tuning in today, I'm so happy to have you listening.


I myself have been really building a new chapter in my life. And I have joined this entrepreneurial group that I'm so thrilled about so many imaginative, wonderful ideas, and I love the energy. And it's really great to surround ourselves with like minded people.


So actually, funnily enough, I was talking to one of my clients earlier this week, and she was telling me that she was able to harness her voice, because when she came to me, she felt unheard.


And through coaching, she discovered her own ability to speak up for herself and started doing that. And with that, she was able to actually cultivate the work schedule that she wanted. And she actually told me that she did not think this was possible in the beginning, before she really started her work with me, and the ability to harness her voice.


She told me that she's been able to have more honest and open conversations with her husband and create smaller ways to connect with her kids that have such a meaningful impact, and really learning to manage her time, to invest it well with her kids.


And before we started, you know, with her work schedule, she called it a quote, unquote, a fantasy to have a different work schedule. And she had no idea that would even be possible. Like she really thought to herself, it was a dream, and there was no way to do it. But through coaching with me, she created exactly that.


And we get to create the life that we desire, very, very far from exhaustion and burnout. And this is my client Nibi, who is a physician, she has two small kids. And if it's possible for her, it is possible for you, the work we are doing inside my coaching program is not really time intensive and clients like Nibi report being out of burnout and really creating the life they want. So if she can do it, I could do, it my clients could do it, so could you. To learn more join my free on demand masterclass four steps to ending burnout and exhaustion, and finally, get your peace of mind back, the link will be in the show notes.


So today I'm going to talk about how to be less tired. And actually, I'm creating a two part series and this is part one. So one of the ways to be less exhausted, be less tired, is to create joy, and to create freedom. And when you do this, you will find yourself so energized and happy that feeling tired, feeling burnt out is a shadow, right? Like you will not have those feelings anymore.


So not having fun, I think is an epidemic that affects so many people in my age group who have small kids. They're really caught up in the grind, with very little play, and so, so much work. And I've talked about this before that really when we die, we're not going to remember the work that we did, but we're going to remember the memories we created, the time we spent with loved ones and cherish those and the fun that we had.


So being in the grind, it's not something that we have to do, it's a choice. And I've definitely talked about this in prior episodes that we do get to choose our life. And when we feel bogged down from this not having fun, we feel a complete lack of freedom.


A lot of people in fact feel stuck, which is not a fun place to be. And feeling this way is really tiring. And it can be boring, and it's definitely not energizing. So if we learn to solve this problem, we can create more joy and freedom, voila our lives are instantly better.


So when was the last time that you felt joy and freedom? I want you to take a second to really reflect upon that. Reflecting on these matters is really crucial and critical in transforming our lives. Otherwise, we're just living in survival mode and one day bleeds to the next. And you know, you just feel like it's Groundhog Day and you're doing the same thing again and again. And there's no fun in that, right. So really think about that last time, most recent time that you felt freedom and joy and pause if you need to.


Something that adds to this feeling of stuckness is that marriage or being a mother, it can feel like it impinges on our freedom. But there is a happy medium of cultivating freedom and being able to have that same life, that same married life or the life of being a parent.


I want you to ask yourself the following question. What are the top three things that brought you the most joy in college or in your 20s or 30s, when you were younger. I would pause and really write this down or listen to this maybe when you're not driving, or maybe brainstorm out loud. But three things that brought you the most joy in college or in your 20s and 30s.


Now, once you figure out what those three things are, create a plan to incorporate one or more of them in the next month. Yes, the next 30 days, you get to create a plan. And then next thing, you know, one step at a time you're taking action. And that is how your life is different and it's better.


Another question I want you to think about is, what are some things or hobbies, or travel that you'd like to pursue that you haven't since you became a mom? And I know for me, I know I went to Coachella, before I got pregnant with my first son and I was so glad I did that because I had been wanting to go. And I recently also have been planning another adventure that has been on my bucket list for a while.


So what is something that has been on your bucket list or something that you really wanted to do, but then quote unquote, life got in the way, work, being a mom. And if you can figure out what that is, create a plan, take one step forward. To make that happen. Just pick one out of how many ever things on the list that you come up with.


Another way to create freedom is to really make decisions in alignment with what you want, with who you want to be, and what your values are. And along with that, stop people pleasing.

People pleasing is something that so many of us are conditioned to do from a really young age to please our teachers, please our parents, and it really gets us in a mode of living for other people.


And in South Asian families, I know and I'll make the generalization because I grew up this way, you are given somewhat of a path and you just follow it and you don't really well, depending on your personality, you may not question it. And then next thing you know, your life is wherever it is. And maybe it's not in alignment with what you actually want. And as women who have achieved so much, we do have the privilege of reflecting, evaluating if our life is currently in integrity with who we are or want to be.


And when it comes to people pleasing, you may not even realize this, but people pleasing is so draining, it's draining to do things that don't feel good for us, even if they feel good for other people, or if they're not in alignment with the life that we want. And this kind of behavior, the people pleasing behavior or living for others, it can make you so tired, and you probably don't even realize you're doing it.


So think about a time recently, when you did something that didn't align with who you believe you are, who you want to be, and you maybe did it to control someone else's opinion of you, or you did it because you felt like it was the right thing to do for them. Really think about that.


And in fact, I would take the time to make a list of at least five things that you did that were people pleasing, and then reflect on how that made you feel. And if it depleted you or maybe that is why you felt so tired this week that you were doing things that you really didn't want to do. So now that you know this, you can realize and be cognizant of when you are people pleasing, and then you get to start practicing not people pleasing.


Another way to create freedom or create joy is to make things happen that we think we can't. So a great way of identifying this is to think about when you feel envious of what someone else has. Maybe they have this amazing friendship with somebody, maybe they're always taking trips, maybe they just seem really happy. So reflect on what thing that is that you envy or what way of life do you envy.


And then you get to decide one thing out of that list, if there's more than one, one thing that you could make happen. Let's say you envy a trip, or maybe someone took a trip to the beach. Now, if you feel like a trip to the beach isn't in your budget, is there a way to create a more budget conscious way of going to the beach or pick something on that list that you could do within the next 30 days practically.


So once you figure that out, start creating a plan to get that in your life and that way you start seeing how much power you have to actually create the life that you want. I know you might think you're stuck but you actually are not. You get to unstick yourself at any time.


And if you reflect on all the things I've talked about today, and you say to yourself, I cannot create more of what I want more freedom, more joy, realize that that is actually a limiting belief. And if you don't know what a limiting belief is, a limiting belief is a thought that you really think is the absolute truth. In fact, it really may not be and it stops you from doing certain things. And it doesn't even have to be about the way you see yourself. It could be about how the world works, ideas or anything else. And these limiting beliefs are actually not true.


Everything truly is a choice. And the sooner that we own that, the sooner that we can create the life that we want for ourselves and the sooner that we can be less tired and feel freedom and joy. If you can take away from the episode that the world is truly your oyster, you get to create what you want in your life by (1) figuring it out (2) making a plan (3) taking action. This is the formula that will bring you freedom and joy and will most certainly have you feeling less tired and way more energized.


So get to it. Let me know how it goes. One small step at a time and the next thing you know, complete transformation. To have a streamlined process to end burnout and exhaustion in 90 days or less that will work faster than therapy, a peloton, yoga, self help books, book a call with me to get started on this important work. And this work will have a ripple effect on all of those around you that you care about and it is so beautiful. You can't afford to miss out on this work. Let's talk, Thank you so much for tuning in and I will talk to you next week.