Self-Empowerment to Overcome Burnout
Episode #53: Self-Empowerment to Overcome Burnout
Join Dr. Prianca Naik on the Empowering Working Moms Podcast! For this episode, she shares her journey of growth and resilience. She would like to inspire women to embrace aging, appreciate their accomplishments, and overcome societal expectations. Discover the power of self-compassion and learn how to let go of a victim mentality to empower yourself. Dr. Naik invites you to book a call with her coaching service to find peace, joy, and renewed energy in your life. Tune in and embrace your own journey of empowerment.
In this episode, you will learn:
The Power of Choice
Letting Go of Victimhood
Embracing Life's Challenges
Cultivating Inner Peace
Messages from the Universe
And so much more!
To end burnout and exhaustion and get your peace of mind back, check out her free masterclass on 4 steps to overcome burnout, get rid of overwhelm, and get your peace of mind back.
If you want to work with Coach Prianca Naik, MD, go to to book a 30-minute consultation call
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If you’re listening to this podcast, you’re probably a high-achieving type A mother and exhausted. Maybe struggling with exhaustion and burnout.
You have checked all the boxes of success and aren’t happy.
You don’t have to feel exhausted anymore. Imagine a life with no more burnout, more confidence, and more peace of mind.
That is possible because it has been for me and my clients.
With some work, in 90 days or less, you can be out of burnout and enjoying your life again. Check out my free on-demand masterclass, 4 Steps to Overcome Burnout, Get Rid of Overwhelm, and Finally Get Your Peace of Mind Back.
I want to talk today about something that is a magic pill for inner peace and strength…which we know are effective antidotes to exhaustion and burnout.
And that is getting out of victim mode and mentality. We choose everything. It is a choice to work whatever job you’re working…even if you feel like you need to for money. You decide every day to get up and go to work.
It is a choice to be with your partner if you’re in a marriage or partnership. You choose to be there, and you can always choose to end it.
You chose to have children.
This may be abrasive, or maybe you do not like what I’m saying, and that’s too bad. The sooner we realize everything is a choice, the sooner we know we aren’t victims.
I’ve had malignant romantic relationships in the past. Where the person has lied to me or hidden things from me…they did me dirty. But the truth is that I chose to be there. I decided to be with those people even though my instinct told me otherwise. So even though I could victimize myself, I won’t because it’s more empowering not to, and it gives me more peace of mind.
You see, our life experience is determined by the lens we put on it. I choose to place an empowered lens on things, and that’s how I cultivate inner peace and joy daily.
I choose happiness. I choose peace, and I have even chosen peace when there has been chaos. This is why I’m so passionate about this work. Because all of my practices are teachable, and that is what I do inside my foundational coaching program for professional moms to be out of burnout and exhaustion for good in 90 days or less. I’m talking about the doctors, lawyers, and executive moms who have tried therapy, self-help books, or meditation with no or minimal success. I will talk about how to join my program at the end of this episode.
The sooner we empower ourselves, the faster we get what we want…, the faster we make our visions a reality, and the happier we are.
So why not do that? Why not choose how you’re going to see things?
I challenge you to think of a tough time in your life. What was happening? How did you feel? Where do you think that in your body?
Now as you sit with that feeling…think about how that event brought you to where you are today. How it served you in some way?
I will tell you that some of the darkest and most challenging parts of my journey, things I don’t necessarily share because they are dark and private so far, have been what got me so deep into this work. In extremely tough circumstances, I could maintain my inner peace and joy. I knew I could teach others.
And so much of it starts with awareness and empowerment.
So today, we touch upon empowering ourselves and no longer being victims in our circumstances.
Every time something goes wrong, think of how it serves you.
What would the message be if the universe or a higher power were trying to give you a message?
If you have something in your life you don’t like, really take time to think about how you created it…because somehow, somewhere, you did.
In more woo-woo spiritual circles, we are believed to pick our parents too. So even there, we are empowered….
As you progress, try one of the things I discussed today and see how you start feeling. You will shift. I promise.
To get started and put in the work to heal your exhaustion and burnout from the inside out, book a call with me, to get started.