The Ultimate Guide to Feel Supported Always

Women feel the burden of work and home so hard.  They put everyone and everything before themselves and feel alone, depleted, and unsupported.  So many underestimate the heavy load placed on today’s working mother.  We are taken for granted.  Often, we silently suffer believing we are the only ones.  This is simply not true.  

We aren’t alone.  We can find others like ourselves.  

The first step to solving this problem is to find support within ourselves and then eventually women like ourselves.

Clients often come to me asking how to get their partner to participate more in childcare or how to have them cook more or do the dishes a certain way.  There is no good solution to making others do certain things.  We have no control over them.  We can’t guarantee they’ll comply.

Thus, it is better for us to focus our energy on what we can control:ourselves.

A client of mine noticed her husband would always take off on weekends automatically without conversation to go to the gym while she remained home to care for their son.  She wanted time to work out and pursue her hobby of crocheting, so instead of asking him to sacrifice his gym time, she hired a babysitter to come.  Such a simple solution.  She was relieved and happy.  No time wasted on arguing or negotiating resolutions.  Both of them won.

 In order to have what you want, to feel supported, you have to find it in yourself.  The one person you can 100% trust and believe in is you.  

You will always be there for you.  

You won’t abandon yourself.

You will always have your back.

You won’t betray yourself. 

You have so much support within yourself you probably don’t even realize.

Outsourcing a task you don’t value can help you feel supported.  For example in childcare, cooking, or cleaning, you can feel unburdened.  Breathing and telling yourself “I am here for myself” can give you support.  Finding like-minded women can stabilize you.  Treating yourself with compassion and care can help you feel supported.  Cheering yourself on in what you’re doing well can help you feel grounded and so much more.

The answers always lie within you.  You may just need help realizing that.

You got this.  Always.

And for additional support, women like yourself can be found in group coaching programs, group therapy, support groups, social media groups, and perhaps local clubs.  There are strong powerful women everywhere.  You just have to seek them out.  





Prianca Naik